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Complimentary 30-Minute Courage Workout: COVID-19 Edition


In an attempt to Be of Service and share our expertise and experience, we’d like to take this opportunity to provide you with this Complimentary Recoveryfit workout:

  • 30-minutes
  • Scaled for all abilities
  • No equipment needed
  • Professional video instruction
  • Yes…you read correctly…It’s TOTALLY FREE

The Recoveryfit program is aligned with the Core Principles behind the 12 steps of recovery and the principle behind Step 4 is Courage

Courage- Strength in the face of uncertainty, pain, or grief
“I learned that courage was not the absence of Fear, but the triumph over it.” -Nelson Mandela

Fear can have a dramatic effect on the decisions we make on a daily basis. These times of quarantine, masks, opinions, protests, unemployment, finger pointing, and extreme limitations can surely allow fear to cloud our decisions.  The fear is going to be there; but it will take courage to see through it and take action even in the face of Fear.

As a society we have seen amazing examples of courage, from the “Heroic Courage” that healthcare workers on the frontlines are exhibiting to the “Everyday Courage” that parents are showing who are now stay at home teachers to their children who are also learning to live this new way of life.  Courage takes many forms, but when we take courageous acts then we can grow, progress, and evolve especially during difficult times.

These are unprecedented times for all of us! The circumstances that we must now live under can bring up thoughts, actions, and behaviors that I may not be proud of. Identifying and then addressing some of these shortcomings is going to take Courage. But by having the courage to address and work on these personal defects I can experience recovery and make my life and the lives of those around me significantly better. The willingness to look at oneself and then take action towards solution will definitely take courage, but will also allow us to become the people we strive to be.

So now let’s practice applying Courage to our physical well being! Physical activity can reduce stress and also increase mood, energy levels, self-esteem, and immune response. Have the courage to identify areas of challenge relative to your health & fitness so that you can then address these areas of need by taking ACTION!

Courage Workout-COVID-19 edition

When we apply Courage to our physical well being we can identify the areas most in need of improvement by performing a physical inventory. We do this so that we can then address these areas of need and become stronger overall.  The majority of the time Core Strength is most in need. So the workout for Courage will be focused on improving the Core through our actions.

Perform the following exercises using Tabata timing, which is 20 seconds of exercise and then 10 seconds of rest for 8 rounds (4 minutes) Alternate a Plank hold with the exercises below for every other 20 second period\

Watch the first instructional video and then perform the 1st 4-minute Tabata round. Then watch the next exercise video and perform each exercise in the same way until you have finished all 5 rounds.

Watch these brief instructional videos, get into action, and feel the benefits of the recovery-based physical activity of Recoveryfit.

Each video demonstrates beginner, intermediate, and advanced levels of the same exercise so choose what works for you and your clients

Exercise #1: Crossover Crunches

Exercise #2: Criss-cross Leg Lifts

Exercise #3: “V” ups

Exercise #4: Flutter Kicks

Exercise #5: Knee Tucks


By taking this action you are addressing an area that could use attention. By adding a little more emphasis to areas in need we will gradually grow stronger overall. What areas of your life have you been lacking the Courage to examine and address? Do what you fear and the fear disappears!