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Complimentary 30-Minute Honesty Workout: COVID-19 Edition

Honesty: The state of being truthful or frank. Freedom from deceit

How does Honesty apply to the recovery process and specifically to the COVID circumstances we are all facing? The 1st Step is to back away from the emotions of your life’s situation and do your best to apply “Objective Honesty.” True honesty would reveal that we are powerless over these circumstances and that refusal to accept this will only lead to unmanageability.

What does physical, mental, and emotional unmanageabilty look like?
  • Increased stress and anxiety, depressive symptoms, low energy, insomnia
  • Low self-esteem because physical activity is difficult to access
  • COVID-19 exposure and possible illness due to lack of adherence to CDC guidelines because of ego or denial
What can I do to address these issues?

Taking physical activity can provide a host of physical, mental, and emotional benefits that can have an immediate impact. All we need to do is TAKE ACTION!

  • reduced stress
  • increased mood
  • higher energy levels
  • better sleep
  • higher self-esteem
  • better immune response

Workout Instructions

Perform each exercise for 1 minute, rest for 30 seconds in between each exercise. Do this for all six exercises to complete a Round. Rest 1 minute then repeat for 3 total Rounds.

Each video demonstrates beginner, intermediate, and advanced levels of the same exercise so choose what works for you and your clients




Exercise #1: Hand Plank Lateral Twists

Exercise #2: Russian Twists

Exercise #3: Squats to Reverse Lunges

Exercise #4: Burpees

Exercise #5: Triceps Dips

Exercise #6: Mountain Climbers