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Complimentary 30-Minute Perseverance Workout: COVID-19 Edition

PERSEVERANCE is steady persistence in a course of action especially in spite of difficulties, obstacles, or discouragement.
“I’m convinced that about half of what separates the successful entrepreneurs from the non-successful ones is pure perseverance.”  -Steve Jobs


PERSEVERANCE is EASIER SAID THAN DONE & it doesn’t just happen because we want it to. In many cases it will require the application of other principles to be able to persevere.

Some defects of character (uncovered through the Courage actions) that can drastically hinder Perseverance are IMPATIENCE, FEAR, FALSE EGO, APAHTY, SLOTH, or PROCRASTINATION. Many of these may have become glaringly apparent during this time of isolation and “stay at home” limitations.

But we can address these defects which will allow us to persevere by applying some principles that we have already integrated into our new lives in recovery: Faith, Courage, Integrity, Discipline, & Awareness. (If you missed these you can browse back to past workout lessons at the bottom of the page)

Application of Perseverance might be one of the most important principles relative to our long-term physical progress & recovery. It can be the deciding factor as to whether or not we accomplish our health & fitness goals. IF the defects listed above still run rampant in our lives then it will be almost impossible to persevere. Having the COURAGE to uncover defects, trusting the process through FAITH, putting accountability in place with INTEGRITY, & then staying present in the moment with AWARENESS will allow us to then apply PERSEVERANCE.

You will need to apply a great deal of Perseverance in order to complete this 30-minute workout:

  • Pair 2 of any of the 8 exercises to begin
  • Alternate between the exercise as often as you like
  • But you must be performing 1 exercise the entire time segment
  • Perform 3 minutes of activity; rest 30 secs, 2 minutes of activity, 30 secs rest, and then 1 minute.
  • Repeat this circuit 4 times until you’ve utilized each exercise
  • You may only utilize an exercise once & must use all 8
Watch these brief instructional videos, get into action, and feel the benefits of the recovery-based physical activity of Recoveryfit.

Each video demonstrates beginner, intermediate, and advanced levels of the same exercise so choose what works for you and your clients

Exercise #1: Side Lunges

Exercise #2: Hopping Lunges

Exercise #3: “X” Push-ups

Exercise #4: Squat “X” Jumps

Exercise #5: Diamond Push-ups

Exercise #6: Mountain Climbers

Exercise #7: Plank Front Shoulder Lifts

Exercise #8: 180 Degree Hops

By applying Perseverance to this workout you will feel more energized, upbeat, & confident preparing yourself to apply Perseverance to other important aspects of your life!